Adapting to a different kind of flow

This autumn has been one of adapting for me. I’ve gotten back from holiday to everyday customer work. At the same time all our family has gotten back to the things you do in the autumn: work, school, hobbies, wearing warmer clothes etc.

I don’t know about you but these kinds of transitions can be tricky for me. It seems a bit funny as we go through similar transitions every year, but that is how it is for me.

There are things that are hard to let go of. There are things you want to keep doing, but you need to adjust your approach to them if you want to stick with them in the changing circumstances. And there are new things you want to start, which also demand some attention and focus.

One thing I’ve been wanting to stick to is this game design hobby of mine. Finding ways to adjust it to this context of my autumn has not been easy. I only have so much focus and energy in a day. There are things at work that demand that same energy and focus that I would need for game design.

And lately, happily, there have been things at work that are so promising and inspiring I really want to devote my attention and energy towards them.

So I guess I need to be patient with this game design hobby thingie and keep it on thee back burner for a while. And see what happens.

And remind myself regularly that I could do something related to it at any moment when I have a little time, focus and energy to spare. I guess that is what a hobby is, after all.

If you are reading this for one reason or the other, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours!

Written on October 31, 2021