Reporting from Ropecon 2024

Last weekend I attended Ropecon 2024 in Helsinki. Ropecon is the biggest roleplaying convention in the Nordics organized by volunteers. (The name Ropecon comes from Finnish abbreviation of role-playing games - rope (from ROoliPEli), nothing related to ropes).

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Adapting to a different kind of flow

This autumn has been one of adapting for me. I’ve gotten back from holiday to everyday customer work. At the same time all our family has gotten back to the things you do in the autumn: work, school, hobbies, wearing warmer clothes etc.

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How to get from here to there

I took a week’s rest from my workouts and my brain decided to take some rest from game design thinking as well. But just as I got back to physical activity, my brain started working on all gears again. So it is time for another game design diary post.

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Dreamspace, anyone?

Yesterday evening I was browsing my book shelf for some light reading and I ended up pulling Hillfolk, Robin D. Laws’ game of iron age drama (a role-playing game).

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And we're live!

I realized I wanted a place of my own to post stuff. Stuff not directly related to what I do during the day at Flowa. So, (not serious) games, pop culture, books, that kind of stuff. Let’s see how it goes.

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